A strange, yet familiar, desire has awakened within me. It is the desire to blog. The conceit that I can expound upon whatever trivial thing interests me and that someone out there will read it must be indulged.
This desire has grown considerably in light of my recent decision to all but quit Facebook, a decision that came about for two reasons:
1. I hate Facebook.
2. I really hate Facebook.
Yeah, I'll have more limited exposure here than on Facebook, but so what? I don't care if my friend Bob's great-grandmother Judy's niece's uncle's stepson's pet orangutan doesn't get to read my blog. I figure, if you're reading my blog, it's because you've made an effort and you want to read it, which is more than can be said about 99% of the stuff that comes up in your newsfeed on Facebook, isn't it?
So, here's where we get to the part where I talk about something that's on my mind. And...go.
LaTeX. LaTeX is alternatively of the devil and the greatest gift to academia, depending on the mood I'm in. Actually, now that I've begun learning it, I like it pretty well. My background in computer programming certainly helps. Now, why anyone would ever use BibTex, that's a question I may never be able to answer.
So you know, LaTeX is the typesetting language I'm using to write my dissertation. Speaking of which, my dissertation is coming along rather well. Graduating in December: boo-yeah.
That's all I feel like boring you with for now.